The Mind Of A Murderer. Michael Wood

Billed as the first Dr Olivia Winter book, I’m really hoping this turns into a long series.

Dr Olivia Winter carries the scars of a failed attempt on her life when she was 9 years old.

The attacker killed her mother and sister, and was the last attacks of a notorious serial killer. He was also her father, who is now serving a life sentence.

Olivia has become a world renowned expert on serial killers, travelling the world to interview them, publishing books on them, and doing lecture talks to students and academics.

But, she won’t work live cases. She has been asked numerous times but she won’t get involved.

When her best friend, a Detective in the Met, visits with a file on four recent murders she still refuses to get involved, until the unthinkable happens, then she has no choice.

Somebody is just walking into peoples houses and killing women. There’s no sign of a forced entry, no attempt at sexual assault, but there is signs of a chase. All of the scenes indicate that the killer likes to instil fear into his victims before making the final stab or slash.

Nobody has seen them come, or go, from the buildings.

The Police are at a dead end.

So what can Olivia add to the investigation.

As it turns out her insight and thoughts are brilliant, but there’s one person that could help identify the killers thought process even better, her father.

The story is great and I enjoyed every page. Michael Wood has created at least one character, in Olivia, that I’m really looking forward to reading more of.

My only problem is all the time I was reading this book I was thinking I’ve know this story, or at least the plot.

As much as the story felt familiar I know haven’t read a version this good.

The one thing I hope is that the series doesn’t turn into the daughter, brilliant minded, police consultant; and father, incarcerated mass murderer, forming an alliance that is unwanted by Olivia, but manufacturing by her father’s manipulations.

That really would be too similar to other things

Pages: 454. Publisher One More Chapter. Publishing date: 28th March 2024

Author: nkadams999

An avid reader since I was young and have always found time for books through, two marriages (one still current), the raising of a beautiful daughter, who's now a lovely young woman, a short (5 year) career as a seaman, a long (30 year) career as a Firefighter- Officer/Arson Investigator, and latterly as a Lecturer, on Fire forensics and all things Fire related.

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